Net Metering Policy Uttar Pradesh

November 8th, 2023

Uttar Pradesh, a big state in India, has lots of sun. They want to build solar parks in different areas of the state using government land. The state has the seventh highest amount of solar power from rooftops in India. The government of the state said they will give Rs 15,000 for every kW of solar power made by people's houses. They want to have 10,700 MW of solar power by 2022, and 4,300 MW of that should come from people's houses. Right now, the state has 1,095 MW of solar power, with 146 MW from people's houses.

Everyday, when a solar system is installed, it produces power. Solar net-metering is advantageous for consumers who have no or very low energy usage on specific days or months compared to other days or months. The solar energy generated during these times is either exported to the grid or DISCOM or measured by a meter, ensuring that the consumer benefits fully from the power generated by their PV system.

Concept with Solar Net Metering

In Uttar Pradesh, with solar net-metering, consumers are only charged for the difference between the energy they import and the energy they export. For example, let's say a consumer in Kanpur imports 1000 kWh of energy in June but exports 600 kWh in the same period. In this case, the consumer will only be charged for 400 kWh. If in July, the consumer imports 500 kWh and exports 600 kWh again, the extra 100 kWh will be carried over to the next month's bill or billing cycle and adjusted there. At the end of a 12-month settlement period, any remaining balance and unadjusted carried forward excess export will be paid to the consumer at a predetermined tariff (rate per kwh) set by the relevant authorities. This is the basic concept of net metering.

Policy Target

The Policy aims to achieve a target of 22,000 MW Solar Power  Projects upto 2026-27 in the state as under:





Utility Scale Solar Projects/Parks

14000 Megawatt




Solar Rooftop Project

Solar Rooftop (Residential) 

Solar Rooftop (Non Residential Institutions) 

4500 Megawatt

1500 Megawatt


Distributed Solar Generation (PM KUSUM component C1andC2)

2000 Megawatt


Employment Generation/Skill development

30,000 No's

Capacity of Rooftop PV System

1. The solar panels on your roof can generate up to as much electricity as your official limit. This limit can't be less than 1 kilowatt or more than 2 megawatts. 

2. Your solar system's size must follow the rules set by the UPERC (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations of 2005 and any changes they make in the future, based on your allowed electricity usage.

Non Residential Institutions

1. They want these places to use a third-party company (called a "RESCO") to set up the solar panels. These companies will sell the electricity to the institutions. There will be agreements between the institutions, the RESCOS, and the electricity distribution companies.

2.Institutions can also set up solar panels on their own or with the help of UPNEDA. They'll have to pay a fee of 3% of the solar panel cost plus GST and other taxes to UPNEDA for this service. 

3.UPNEDA, a government agency, will help collect requests from these institutions and create contracts and agreements. They will also organize competitive bidding to choose the companies to install the solar panels. 

4.Industrial and commercial businesses will be able to sell excess solar power to the grid. The price they get paid will be determined by a regulatory body called UPERC, and this might include GST costs.

Residential Sector

1.The Uttar Pradesh government wants more people to put solar panels on their homes. 

2.A "Solar City" is a place where they reduce their regular energy use by 10% in five years by using renewable energy like solar panels and being more energy efficient. They will plan how to do this in each Solar City, including adding solar panels on buildings and streetlights. one Solar City, they plan to put solar panels on 13,50,000 houses during the policy


4.Ayodhya will be the first city to become a Solar City. If it works well, 16 more cities, including Noida, will also become Solar Cities. 

5.In the first year of the policy, 16 cities including Noida will get money (funds) of Rs 50 

6.This will be used by the city government to put up solar energy systems, which will reduce the need for regular energy by 10%.

7.Over three years, if a city becomes a Solar City by reducing its regular energy use by 10%, will get Rs 50.per person as an incentive, based on the 2011 census. They'll use this money to add more solar energy systems. 

8.Residential consumers will be able to use net metering, as per the regulations set by the Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission.

9. If you use gross metering, an agreement is signed within 30 days of registration.

10. For net metering, an agreement is signed within 30 days of registration. 

11. You must sign and return the agreement within 30 days.

Time period of Installation




Maximum Time Period


Submission of Application




Acknowledgement of Application


1 Day


Site Verification and Technical feasibility


7 Days


Installation of Rooftop Solar System


90 Days


Testing of Solar Power Plant and Net Metering


7 days from depositing of meter


Execution of Net Metering agreement


3 days from submission of Draft agreement


Commissioning/Connection of Rooftop system


3 days after net metering agreement


Issuance of Joint Commissioning Report

DISCOM, Vendor and Beneficiary

1 day after commissioning


Release of central financial assistance to consumers


30 days after issuance JCR


Release of State Financial assistance to consumers


15 days after issuance JCR

Metering Arrangement

1.The meters must meet specific rules and changes in rules for how they are installed and used. 

2. The type of meter (single phase or three phase) should match what's needed, and it should be at least as accurate as the current one. 

3. The power company usually buys, installs, and maintains the meters, but if you want to buy one yourself, they'll test it and put it in for you! 

4. Meters should be put where the rules say and follow certain regulations.

5. If you have a big solar power system (more than 50 kWp), you must have an extra meter to check things. You pay for it, but the power company owns it 

6. If your solar system is smaller (up to 50 kWp), you or the power company can get the extra meter, and they still own it. 

7. This extra meter goes in after the solar system's inverter. 

8. The extra meter should be just as good as the regular one at your place. 

9. Both you and the power company check and seal all the meters together. 

10. The power company's meter reading is what they use for billing.


1. You can only use the extra electricity you generate to cover what you use. You can't use it to pay for other fees or charges from the power company 

2. At the end of a certain time period, any extra electricity credits that you haven't used will be paid back to you at a fixed rate 

3. When this time period starts again, your extra credits will go back to zero.

Electricity Department of Renewable Energy Uttar Pradesh

The Electricity Department of Renewable Energy Uttar Pradesh is dedicated to providing sustainable and reliable electricity to the people of Uttar Pradesh. With a focus on renewable energy sources, we strive to reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future.

•Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency (UPNEDA)

•Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL)

•Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (UPERC)


DISCOM ( Distribution Company) 

•Dakshinanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited (DVVNL)- Agra Zone Discom Madhyanchal 

•Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited (MVVNL) Lucknow, Ayodhya Zone Paschimanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited (PVVNL) Meerut Zone Discom

•Purvanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited (PUVVNL) Prayagraj, Varanasi Zone Discom 

•Kanpur Electricity Supply Company (KESCO) Kanpur City Discom

•Lucknow Electricity Supply Administration (LESA) Lucknow City Discom

Electricity Charge

Low Voltage

High Voltage

Domestic Connection

Non-Industrial Bulk Load

Commercial Connection

Large and Heavy Power and Industrial Connection

Public Lamps

Railway Track and Metro Rail

Public and Private Institute

Large Pump Canal

Private Tube Well for irrigation

Small and Medium Power/Industrial Connection

Public water works

State Tubewell/Panchayat Raj Tubewell and Pump/Canal

Departmental Employee Connection

Temporary Connection

For more in-depth information on electric charge, please visit the UPPCL website. 

Required documents for Net Metering in Uttar Pradesh

1.Photograph of the beneficiary. UPG below 200KB)

2.Aadhaar Scanned Copy of Aadhaar Card

3.Scanned copy of Bank Passbook 

4.Scanned copy of latest Electricity Bill

5. Technical specifications details Solar Panels and inverters 

6.Site Photographs (After installation) UPG below 200KB) 

7.Copy of grid clearance/Net meter installation certificate issued by DISCOM (Copy of Electricity Bill)

8. Joint Inspection Join Commissioning Report UCR 9.Domestic Content Requirement Report (DCR)

Procedure for Application and Registration

If you want Solar Panels on your roof, you can apply online or offline.

For Online

1.The eligible consumer or third party owner hereinafter referred to as applicant who intends to install grid interactive rooftop solar PV system in his/her premises may apply offline otherwise online through or

For Offline

1. Offline applicants must fill out a form and pay a fee.

2. Forms are available online and locally.

3. Submit the form to your power company's engineer and UPNEDA officer in your area. 

4. The power company will acknowledge your application and create a list based on who applied first (valid for 180 days). 

5. They'll check if your solar panels can connect to the grid within 30 days (60 days if more study is needed).

6. If your application has issues, they'll tell you what documents you need. If not fixed in 30

days, your application is canceled, and fees are lost.

7. Once your documents are good, they'll approve your application within 10 days.

8. If they can't provide the full power you asked for, you choose: less power, refund, or wait. 

9. If you want a refund, they must give it within 7 days. 

10. If approved, apply for system registration with a form and fees. 

11. They'll check your documents. If all's good, you get a registration number. 

12. If issues, they'll tell you in 15 days. 

13. Fix issues and resubmit within 30 days. 

14. Within 15 days of a complete form, they'll register your system or reject it with reasons and a 50% fee refund.

Net Metering Self Bill Generation (URBAN)

Click on above link and

1.Select the DISCOM

2.Enter your account number. 

3.Enter Password.

4.Enter correct captcha, you will be directed toward the page.

Frequently asked Questions

Question 1. Who are Surya Mitra?

Ans. Surya Mitra will provide their services for Installation, operation, repair and maintenance of Solar Systems (Solar Street Light, Solar Power Plant etc.). 

•Training will be provided to Surya Mitra as per the training Curriculum of U.P. Skill development Mission & National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE).

•These Surya Mitra's will be linked to Sewa Portal to ensure availability for citizen service. •Skill Development training under Surya Mitra programme will be provided to inmates in jails under the jurisdiction of state government.

Question 2. For additional information or any clarification, who should be contacted? 

Ans. Contact at UPNEDA'S toll free No 18001800 005 at UPNEDA'S Customer care No-9415609080 or mail at



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