Net Metering Policy Gujarat

November 8th, 2023

The new rules in Gujarat say that if you have a rooftop solar system, it can be as small as 1 kilowatt or as big as 1 megawatt, and you can use a net meter to keep track of your electricity. 

For systems between 10 kilowatts and 1 megawatt, you'll use a different kind of meter called gross metering.

If you're a homeowner, you can put up a solar system no matter how much electricity you normally use, and you can get some rewards for it. There are no size limits for businesses that want to make their own power or sell it to others, as long as they stay within the allowed limits.

Objective of Gujarat Solar Policy

1.Make more solar energy in Gujarat to help India's clean energy goals and tackle climate change.

2. Use less fossil fuels, so we're not dependent on them, and make our energy supply more secure.

3. Work towards sustainable development goals in Gujarat. 

4. Create jobs, teach new skills, and support local factories.

5. Make our experts better at solar energy through research and innovation. 

6.Tell everyone about solar power and how it works.

7.Make it easy for people and companies to invest in clean energy, benefiting everyone in the power sector.

Rules for Residential Usage

1.Residential consumers can install solar panels on their roofs, regardless of their electricity usage. 

2. They can get incentives from existing schemes. 

3. Developers can also set up solar projects on a consumer's roof and sell power to them through an agreement.

4. Billing is done on a monthly basis for residential consumers.

5. Extra energy they generate can be sold to the electricity company at specific rates: -Self-owned systems: Rs. 2.25 per unit for the first 5 years, then 75% of average rates from competitive bidding. 

-Third-party sale: 75% of average rates from competitive bidding. 

6. If consumers use more electricity from the grid, they'll be charged the standard rates set by the electricity authority.

Rules for Captive Project

1.If you have a solar power system (SPS) and use the electricity it generates for yourself on the same property or a different one that you fully own, it's called "captive use." 

2. There are no limits on how much power you can generate for captive use. 

3. You can install a solar project with multiple owners, but they must collectively own 100% of the project. Each owner can use the energy based on their ownership share. 

4. Large consumers of electricity (HT/EHV consumers) using solar for their own needs can only set off surplus energy generated between 07:00 AM and 06:00 PM on the same day.

5. Any extra energy not used by the consumer can be compensated by the DisComs (Distribution Companies) at specific rates:

a. For small manufacturers (MSMEs), it's Rs 2.25 per unit for the first 5 years, and then 75% of the average tariff from competitive bidding. For example: A small manufacturer using solar power pays Rs 2.25 per unit for the first 5 years. After that, they pay 75% of the average tariff determined through competitive bidding. So, if the average tariff becomes Rs 10, they'd pay Rs 7.50 per unit. 

b.For other businesses, it's 75% of the average tariff from competitive bidding for the entire agreement period. For example For other businesses, like a restaurant, they pay 75% of the average tariff determined through competitive bidding for the entire time they use solar power. If the average tariff is Rs 8 per unit, they'd pay Rs 6 per unit for the entire agreement period.

Project under third-party sale

1.If someone with a solar project sells to others, it's called a third-party sale Developers can also put solar panels on people's rooftops and sell the power through agreements. 

2.For certain types of consumers, like businesses, if they use or sell excess solar power between 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM, they can get credits for it.

3.If the power company doesn't use all the extra power, they have to pay for it, and the rate is set at 75% of the average rate for similar solar projects over six months. For example, if a solar project owner generates more power than they use, and the usual rate for that power is Rs 100, the power company will pay them Rs 75 for each unit of excess electricity they provide. This encourages solar power generation and reduces waste. 

4. There are charges for storing unused solar power, but government buildings don't have to pay them

Project under the Electricity Regulatory Commission (ERC) Mechanism

1.Rooftop solar projects that use Renewable Energy Certificates (RECS) need to follow the rules set by the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) for registration.

2. These projects must keep track of their energy in 15-minute chunks. 3.If you sell extra power through RECS, the power company pays you 65% of the average rate they pay for similar projects. For instance, if you have a rooftop solar project using RECs, and the usual rate for your excess power is Rs. 100, the power company will pay you Rs.65 for each unit of extra electricity you generate

If the power company buys your electricity through RECS, they pay you the same rate, and there are no extra charges. However, some other charges may apply depending on where your project is located and where the power goes.

Security deposit for Net Metering Policy in Gujarat

1. If a company wants to buy solar power from a solar project, the project owner must give a security deposit (like a promise to pay) called a bank guarantee. The amount depends on the project type.

2. If the project is completed on time, they get their deposit back. But if it's delayed, they might lose the deposit. 3. For projects selling power to others, if they don't finish the electrical part on time, they pay extra. If they're very late, they might lose some of their project's capacity, and that extra capacity goes to others.

If a company sets up a solar project to sell power to other companies, they have to promise to pay a security deposit of 5 lakhs per megawatt to make sure they finish building the necessary power evacuation system quickly. If they don't finish it on time, the company they're selling power to can take that deposit as payment.


1. The electricity made by solar power generators will be measured every 15 minutes by the electricity authorities at certain points. To keep track of the energy produced, the solar projects need to use special meters that follow specific rules set by the Central Electricity Authority. 

2. However, for small consumers with a load of 1 MW or less, they can use simpler meters that aren't as advanced, as long as they meet the energy accounting rules, and they have to pay for these meters themselves.

Electricity Department of Renewable Energy Gujarat

•Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited •Gujarat Energy Development Agency 4

•Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission

•Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Limited


DISCOM (Distribution Company) 

Gujarat's four state government-owned distribution companies have achieved the top "A+" rating and have all been named in the list of India's top 10 discoms, according to the "11th Annual Integrated Rating & Ranking of Power Utilities". The Union power ministry's report, which was released on April 10, 2023, and conducted by Power Finance Corporation, provided this information.

•Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Ltd (UGVCL)

•Madhya Gujarat Vij Company Ltd (MGVCL) •Paschim Gujarat Vij Company Ltd (PGVCL)

•Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Ltd (DGVCL)

•Torrent power Surat

•Torrent Power Ahmedabad

Process of Install Solar System in Gujarat

1.Registration on the official website

2.Apply for the rooftop solar installation

3.Technical Feasibility Approval/TFT

4.Submit Installation Details

5.Inspection by DISCOM

6.Project Commissioning Status

7.Subsidy/CFA Request

8. Subsidy Released

Required Documents for Net Metering in Gujarat

1.Signed system generated Application Form

2. Premises Ownership document: Latest House tax bill/ In case of Joint Ownership of terrace: NOC from the Co-owners for SURYA Gujarat (Residential Category)

3. Applicant's Photo 

4. Electricity Bill (to be fetched through e- Urja /SAP System)

5. ID Proof (Aadhaar Authentication)

6. Bank Account detail of applicant with Canceled Cheque/ Bank PassBook first page

How to apply for a Net Meter in Gujarat? 

1.Select a Solar PV Installer empanelled with DGVCL MGVCL, PGVCL UGVCL and Torrent Power. The details are given at or Click here: to register yourself.

2. After registering you will receive mail which includes a Registration Number, Application Number and Consumer Number.

How to track your Net Meter Application? 

1.To check your application link, click on following link:

2. After opening the link fill the asked Application Number, Consumer Number and Consumer Mobile Number. Press the search button.

How to check application summary? 

The guidelines for "Check Application Summary" on the Unified Single Window Rooftop PV Portal of Surya Gujarat: 

Step 1: Navigate to the "Reports" section and click on "Application Summary" to access the summary report. This report provides information categorized by DisCom, Circle, Division, and Sub-division. You can view it directly on the portal or download it in Excel format. 

Step 2: Utilize the filter options to select specific Discom, Circle, Division, and Sub-division criteria to refine the summary data. Once you've customized your filters, you can download the corresponding summary report in Excel format.


Click on following link:-


Frequently asked Questions

Ques. 1:- Where can the Rooftop Project be installed? 

Ans: It can be installed within premises under Residential, Government, Commercial, Industrial and Others category. 

Ques 2 What is the operative period of 'Gujarat Solar Power Policy-2021"?

Ans- This Policy shall come into effect from the date of its notification and shall remain in operation up to 31" December 2025.

Ques 3:- Who is the eligible entity?

Ans: Any company or body corporate or association or body of individuals, whether

incorporated or not, or artificial juridical person shall be eligible for setting up of SPGs, either for the purpose of captive use and/ or for selling of electricity to the Distribution License/Third Party whether or not under the renewable energy certificate (REC) mechanism in accordance with the electricity Act-2003, as amended from time to time. 

Ques.4: Where is India's first and Asia's largest Solar Park installed? 

Ans: This policy also witnessed setting up India's first and Asia's largest Solar Park at Charanka in Patan District.

Ques 5-Can we develop Solar Projects with Sale to DISCOMS?

Ans-DISCOMS, in order to meet their RPO, may purchase solar power, both PV and solar

thermal, from Developers at a power purchase rate determined through competitive bidding

Ques.6 What are the criteria of the Solar Projects for Captive Consumption?

Ans-Solar projects set up for captive use, both directly or under the REC mechanism.

Ques 7- What will be the import tariff of Solar Rooftop System?

Ans-In case of net import Consumer's existing tariff shall apply. 

Ques 8- What will be the Export tariff of the Solar Rooftop System? 

Ans- In case of net export. Any surplus energy generated and exported after adjustment of consumption at the end of the billing cycle shall be purchased by the concerned DISCOM at APPC rate the year in which the SPG is commissioned. 

Ques 9-Is Energy Accounting allowed on Solar Rooftop System? 

Ans-Banking of energy shall be allowed within one billing cycle of the consumer.

Ques 10- Is the wheeling charge applicable on Solar Rooftop System?

Ans: Not applicable as energy is consumed at point of generation.

Ques 11-Is the loss applicable on Solar Rooftop System?

Ans- Not applicable as energy is consumed at point of generation. 

Ques 12-Is the transmission charge applicable on Solar Rooftop System? 

Ans- Not applicable as energy is consumed at point of generation.

Ques 13- is the transmission loss applicable on Solar Rooftop System?

Ans- Not applicable as energy is consumed at point of generation.

Ques 14- Is electricity duty applicable on Solar Rooftop System?

Ans-Electricity duty exempted on the generated Solar Power.

Ques-15 What is a Rooftop Solar System? Ans- A Rooftop Solar System is a solar power energy generation system installed on the rooftop of consumer building premises, that generates electricity from sunlight using solar panels. The solar panels produce DC electricity which can be stored in batteries or converted to AC using an inverter used to power household appliances or feed in the grid. There are of three types Solar Rooftop Systems 

a) Rooftop Solar System with storage facility using battery, 

b) Grid Connected Rooftop Solar System. 

C) Hybrid Solar System


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